9 votes

Peut-on recommencer une quête depuis le début ?

Je suis en train de faire la quête "Immunité diplomatique" et je suis bloqué. Je souhaite recommencer la quête pour pouvoir continuer le jeu.


DBS Points 2434

Si vous jouez sur PC et que vous ne voulez pas ou ne pouvez pas simplement recharger une ancienne sauvegarde (ce qui est toujours l'option la plus sûre), vous pouvez utiliser ceci commande de la console pour réinitialiser cette quête.

resetquest <questid>

Ouvrez la console en appuyant sur la touche tilde (qui se trouve généralement juste sous le bouton d'échappement), entrez cette commande avec l'ID de la quête concernée, et cela réinitialisera cette quête.

Le seul moyen que je connaisse pour connaître l'ID de la quête était d'utiliser ce fil

Le contenu du fil est inclus pour des raisons de sécurité (l'ID est la partie entre parenthèses après le nom de la quête) :

//\\Main Quest - Act I:

Unbound (mq101)
Before the Storm (mq102)
Bleak Falls Barrow (mq103)
Dragon Rising (mq104)
The Way of the Voice (mq105)
The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller (mq105ustengrav)
A Blade in the Dark (mq106)

//\\Main Quest - Act II:

Diplomatic Immunity (mq201)
A Cornered Rat (mq202)
Alduin's Wall (mq203)
The Throat of the World (mq204)
Elder Knowledge (mq205)
Alduin's Bane (mq206)

//\\Main Quest - Act III:

The Fallen (mq301)
Season Unending (mq302)
Paarthurnax (mqpaarthurnax)
Season Unending (mq302)
The World-Eater's Eyrie (mq303)
Sovngarde (mq304)
Dragonslayer (mq305)

//\\The Companions Quests (Faction):

Take Up Arms (c00)
Proving Honor (c01)
The Silver Hand (c03)
Blood's Honor (c04)
Purity of Revenge (c05)
Glory of the Dead (c06)

//\\The Companions - Radiant Quests:

Initial Wave: Animal Extermination (I) (cr01)
Initial Wave: Animal Extermination (II) (cr02)
Initial Wave: Hired Muscle (cr04)
Initial Wave: Trouble in Skyrim (cr05)
Initial Wave: Family Heirloom (cr06)
Initial Wave: Escaped Criminal (cr07)
Initial Wave: Rescue Mission (cr08)
Second Wave: Striking the Heart (cr09)
Second Wave: Stealing Plans (cr10)
Second Wave: Retrieval (cr11)
Final Wave: Totems of Hircine (cr12)
Final Wave: Purity (cr13)
Final WAve: Dragon Seekers (cr14)

//\\The College of Winterhold Quests:

First Lessons (mg01)
Under Saarthal (mg02)
Hitting the Books (mg03)
Good Intentions (mg04)
Revealing the Unseen (mg06)
Containment (mg05)
The Staff of Magnus (mg07)
The Eye of Magnus (mg08)

//\\The College of Winterhold - Radiant Quests

Rejoining the College (mgrejoinquest)
Tolfdir's Alembic (mgr01)
Out of Balance (mgr02)
Enchanting Pick-Up (mgr10)
Restocking Soul Gems (mgr11)
Fetch a book for Urag Gro-Shub (mgr20, mgr20b)
Shalidor's Insights (mgr21)
The Atronach Forge
Forgotten Names
Aftershock (mgr30)
Rogue Wizard (mgrrogue)
Arniel's Endeavors (mgrarniel01 - mgrarniel04)
Filling Soul Gems (mgr12)

//\\The College of Winterhold - Apprentice Radiant Quests:

Brelyna's Practice (mgrappbrelyna01)
J'Zargo's Experiment (mgrappjzargo01)
Onmund's Request (mgrapponmund01)

//\\The College of Winterhold - Ritual Spell Radiant Quests:

Destruction Ritual Spell (mgritual01)
Illusion Ritual Spell (mgritual02)
Conjuration Ritual Spell (mgritual03)
Restoration Ritual Spell (mgritual04)
Alteration Ritual Spell (mgritual05)

//\\Thieves Guild Quests:

A Chance Arrangement (tg00)
Taking Care of Business (tg01)
Loud and Clear (tg02)
Dampened Spirits (tg03)
Scoundrel's Folly (tg04)
Speaking with Silence (tg05)
Hard Answers (tg06)
The Pursuit (tg07)
Trinity Restored (tg08a)
Blindsighted (tg08b)
Darkness Returns (tg09)

//\\Thieves Guild - Radiant Quests:

No Stone Unturned (tgcrown)
Reparations (tgban)
Moon Sugar Rush (tgfencecaravan)
Armor Exchange
The Litany of Larceny (tglarceny)

//\\Thieves Guild - City Influence Quests:

Silver Lining (tgtq01)
The Dainty Sload (tgtq02)
Imitation Amnesty (tgtq03)
Summerset Shadows (tgtq04)

//\\Thieves Guild - Leadership Quest:

Under New Management (tgleadership)

//\\Thieves Guild - Extra Quests:

The Bedlam Job (tgrnt)
The Fishing Job (tgrgf)
The Numbers Job (tgrfo)
The Burglary Job (tgrbe)
The Shill Job (tgrdu)
The Sweep Job (tgrhc)
The Heist Job (tgrsl)

//\\The Dark Brotherhood Quests:

Delayed Burial (db01misc)
Innocence Lost (db01)
With Friends Like These... (db02)
Sanctuary (db02a)
Sentenced to Death (db03)
Whispers in the Dark (db04)
The Silence has been Broken (db04a)
Bound Until Death (db05)
Breaching Security (db06)
The Cure for Madness (db07)
Recipe for Disaster (db08)
To Kill and Empire (db09)
Death Incarnate (db10)
Hail Sithis! (db11)

//\\Dark Brotherhood - Side Contracts:

Part 1 - Kill Narfi (dbsidecontract01)
Part 2 - Kill Beitild (dbsidecontract03)
Part 3 - Kill Ennodius Papius (dbsidecontract02)
Part 4 - Kill Hern (dbsidecontract04)
Part 5 - Kill Lurbuk (dbsidecontract05)
Part 6 - Kill Deekus (dbsidecontract06)
Part 7 - Kill Ma'randru-jo (dbsidecontract07)
Part 8 - Kill Anoriath (dbsidecontract08)
Part 9 - Kill Agnis (dbsidecontract09)
Part 10 - Kill Maluril (dbsidecontract10)
Part 11 - Kill Helvard (dbsidecontract11)
Part 12 - Kill Safia (dbsidecontract12)
Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! (dbdestroy)
Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head (darkbrotherhoodsanctuaryrepair)

//\\Dark Brotherhood - Radiant Quests:

Honor Thy Family (dbeviction)
The Feeble Fortune
Welcome to the Brotherhood
Cicero's Return
The Dark Brotherhood Forever! (dbrecurring)

//\\Civil War Quests - Imperial Legion:

Joining the Legion (cw01a)
The Jagged Crown (cw02a)
Message to Whiterun (cw03)
Defense of Whiterun
Reunification of Skyrim - A False Front (cwmission03)
Reunification of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Dunstad (cwfortsiegefort)
Reunification of Skyrim - Compelling Tribute (cwmission07)
Reunification of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Greenwall (cwfortsiegefort)
Reunification of Skyrim - Rescue from Fort Kastav (cwmission04)
Reunification of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Amol (cwfortsiegefort)
Reunification of Skyrim - Battle for Windhelm (cwsiegeobj)

//\\Civil War Quests - Stormcloaks:

Joining the Stormcloaks (cw01b)
The Jagged Crown (cw02b)
Message to Whiterun (cw03)
Battle for Whiterun (cwsiegeobj)
Liberation of Skyrim - Rescue From Fort Neugrad (cwmission04)
Liberation of Skyrim - Compelling Tribute (cwmission07)
Liberation of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Sungard (cwfortsiegefort)
Liberation of Skyrim - A False Front (cwmission03)
Liberation of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Snowhawk (cwfortsiegefort)
Liberation of Skyrim - The Battle for Fort Hraggstad (cwfortsiegefort)
Liberation of Skyrim - Battle for Solitude (cwsiegeobj)

//\\Daedric Quests:

The Black Star (da01)
Boethiah's Calling (da02)
A Daedra's Best Friend (da03)
Discerning the Transmundane (da04)
I'll Met by Moonlight (da05)
The Cursed Tribe (da06)
Pieces of the Past (da07)
The Whispering Door (da08)
The Break of Dawn (da09)
The House of Horrors (da10)
The Taste of Death (da11)
Darkness Returns (tg09) (Part of the Thieves Guild Quests)
The Only Cure (da13)
A Night to Remember (da14)
The Mind of Madness (da15)
Waking Nightmare (da16)

//\\The Greybeards Quests:

Word Wall Revelations (wicastmagic04)
Meditations on Words of Power

//\\The Blades Quests:

Rebuilding the Blades
Dragonslayer's Blessing
Dragon Research
Dragon Hunting

//\\The Bards College Quests:

Tending the Flames (ms05)
Finn's Lute (bardscollegelute)
Pantea's Flute (bardscollegeflute)
Rjorn's Drum (bardscollegedrum)

//\\Temple Quests:

The Heart of Dibella (t01)
The Book of Love (t02)
The Blessings of Nature (t03)

//Side Quests:

Blood on the Ice (ms11, ms11b, ms11kicker, ms11essentializing, ms11wuunfertharrest)
Forbidden Legend (dungauldursonqst)
The Forsworn Conspiracy (ms01)
No One Escapes Cidhna Mine (ms02)
The Golden Claw (ms13)
In My Time of Need (ms08)
Kyne's Sacred Trials (dunhunterqst)
Laid to Rest (ms14)
Lights Out! (ms07)
The Man Who Cried Wolf (ms06start)
The Wolf Queen Awakened (ms06)
Missing in Action (ms09)
Promises to Keep (ms03)
A Return to Your Roots (nn01)
Rise in the East (ms10)
Rising at Dawn (vc01)
Unfathomable Depths (ms04)
The White Phial (ms12)
Repairing the Phial (ms12b)
Captured Critters
The Forgemaster's Fingers (favororcsintro)
The Great Skyrim Treasure Hunt
Masks of the Dragon Priests

//\\Dungeon Quests and Other Activities:

Angarvunde: Medresi Dran and the Wandering Road (dunangarvundeqst)
Ansilvund: A Love Beyond Death (dunansilvundqst)
Angi's Camp: Composure, Speed, and Precision
Bard's Leap Summit: Leap Before You Look
Blind Cliff Cave: Melka and Petra The Affairs of Hagravens (dunblindcliffqst)
Darklight Tower: Repentance (dundarklightqst)
Forelhost: Siege on the Dragon Cult (dunforelhostqst)
Frostflow Lighthouse: What Lies Beneath (dunfrostflowabyssqst)
Frostmere Crypt: The Pale Lady (dunfrostmerecryptqst)
High Gate Ruins: A Scroll for Anska (dunhighgateruinsqst)
Hillgrund's Tomb: Ancestral Worship (dunhilgrundstombqst)
Mistwatch: Forgetting About Fjola (dunmistwatchqst)
Moss Mother Cavern: Hunter and Hunted (dunmossmotherqst)
Nchland-Zel: The Lost Expedition
Nilheim: The Nilheim Scam - Telrav's Request (dunnilheimqst)
Ragnvald: Otar's Mad Guardians (dunragnvaldqst)
Rebel's Cairn: The Legend of Red Eagle (dunrebelscairnqst)
Robber's Gorge: Robber's Gorge (dunrobbersgorgeqst)
Shipwreck: Trius' Trinket (dunshipwreck04qst)
Shroud Hearth Barrow: Wilhelm's Specter - Lifting the Shroud (freeformivarstead01)
Shroud Hearth Barrow Location Code = shroudhearthbarrow01 (and 02)
Sleeping Tree Camp: The Secret at the Sleeping Tree (dunsleepingtreecampqst)
Southfringe Sanctum: The Savior of Selveni Nethri
Treva's Watch: Infiltration (duntrevaswatchqst)
Valthume: Evil in Waiting (dunvalthumeqst)
Volunruud: Silenced Tongues (dunvolunruudqst)
YngolBarrow: Ashore in a Sea of Ghosts (dunyngolbarrowqst)

Je ne pense pas que cela soit possible sur les consoles sans modification majeure de votre jeu.

Par ailleurs, si vous êtes bloqué dans un endroit (et que le voyage rapide n'est pas possible pour une raison quelconque), vous pouvez utiliser une combinaison de cette commande et d'une commande de téléportation pour recommencer efficacement la quête. Les commandes de téléportation sont détaillées dans cette question : Quelle est la commande de téléportation appropriée dans Skyrim ?


Tony Suffolk 66 Points 409

La façon la plus sûre de le faire est de recharger une sauvegarde précédente. Tout ce que vous faites pour réinitialiser une quête sans charger une sauvegarde peut avoir des conséquences indésirables par la suite.


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