La grenouille a 6 questions. Tu peux te tromper autant de fois que tu le souhaites.
Les majuscules et les espaces n'ont pas d'importance dans la réponse, y E s
est exactement la même chose que yes
Question 1
First question : do you _really_ love candies?
Réponse correcte
10 candies
Question 2
Second question : if A implies B and B implies C,
and D implies A, and E implies D, what does A imply?
Réponses correctes
b and c
c and b
100 candies
Question 3
Third question. Consider 10 days.
If I give you 1 candy on the first day,
and each other day I give you twice more candies than the previous one,
how much candies will I give you on the day number 10?
Réponse correcte
512 candies
Question 4
Fourth question : if you could be whatever you want, what would you be?
Réponses correctes
a frog
the frog
1000 candies
Question 5
Here's a story : there's a fox, a lion and a wolf inside a lunar crater.
The fox is about to bite the lion, which is about to bite the wolf,
which is about to bite the fox. It's snowing and a shrub is watching the scene.
Who's enjoying the story?
Réponse correcte
1 chocolate bar
Question 6
Now, just type the answer to that question and
I'll give you a very special present :
what is the only thing to go beyond the limits of our universe ?
Réponses correctes
the answer to that question
the answer
answer to that question
5 berserk potions
4 votes
Tu peux répondre indéfiniment aux questions de la grenouille. Il n'y a pas de pénalité pour une mauvaise réponse. Les récompenses sont un tas de bonbons, et éventuellement, une barre de chocolat. Pour ce qui est des réponses, il faudrait que je regarde à nouveau les questions.