Pour une explication technique, si nous regardons le code désassemblé de Super Mario Bros. on peut voir que la routine pour collecter les fleurs de feu et les super champignons est exactement la même.
jsr EraseEnemyObject ;erase the power-up object
lda #$06
jsr SetupFloateyNumber ;award 1000 points to player by default
lda #Sfx_PowerUpGrab
sta Square2SoundQueue ;play the power-up sound
lda PowerUpType ;check power-up type
cmp #$02
bcc Shroom_Flower_PUp ;if mushroom or fire flower, branch
cmp #$03
beq SetFor1Up ;if 1-up mushroom, branch
lda #$23 ;otherwise set star mario invincibility
sta StarInvincibleTimer ;timer, and load the star mario music
lda #StarPowerMusic ;into the area music queue, then leave
sta AreaMusicQueue
lda PlayerStatus ;if player status = small, branch
beq UpToSuper
cmp #$01 ;if player status not super, leave
bne NoPUp
ldx ObjectOffset ;get enemy offset, not necessary
lda #$02 ;set player status to fiery
sta PlayerStatus
jsr GetPlayerColors ;run sub to change colors of player
ldx ObjectOffset ;get enemy offset again, and again not necessary
lda #$0c ;set value to be used by subroutine tree (fiery)
jmp UpToFiery ;jump to set values accordingly
Je dirais que c'est un comportement voulu. Si vous pouviez obtenir un super champignon à l'écran alors que vous êtes Super Mario, il se transformerait en Mario en feu. La raison la plus probable est de gagner de la place sur la ROM.